New member
So anyone out there microfishing for their tanks? I'm guessing this would be very strongly location based, since it is much harder to do when traveling. Not the fishing part, just the collection. Plus some places have crazy strict/complex regulations (looking at you Florida).
I was fishing in NC in October and caught a TINY oyster toad. That would have been a great addition to my half baked saltwater minnow tank. I didn't keep him, but it really made me want to have a real tank again. FL trip in Feb will be worse, because Tampa bay is full of real aquarium trade grade animals just swimming/crawling around everywhere. Despite the regulations there are plenty of easy to acquire animals there.
Last trip to the keys was the worst. The entire place is a fricking giant aquarium. And our rental had a seawall that was teeming with miniature exotics.
Right now I have a 55g with some crappy whisper filters, not heated. My basement is generally mid 60s. It is full of killies from a spring fishing trip to the DE bay. Aka mud minnows, mummychogs, etc. They are fearless and hardy to a fault. Which is entertaining when you put your hand in the tank and they mob you. I set that up on a whim when we got home and lost maybe 3 or 4 out of the 4 dozen left over. Anything I'd put in with them would almost certainly eat them... but I think that'd be okay. A baby flounder would be boss, though not sure I could collect one legally via fishing. I'm sure there are some reasonable cool unregulated species. Sea robin comes to mind, though they get huge. Baby blackfish? Again regulated. Grey trigger if I don't mind losing a finger or two.
Anyone running local saltwater tanks? What kind of specimens do you have?
I was fishing in NC in October and caught a TINY oyster toad. That would have been a great addition to my half baked saltwater minnow tank. I didn't keep him, but it really made me want to have a real tank again. FL trip in Feb will be worse, because Tampa bay is full of real aquarium trade grade animals just swimming/crawling around everywhere. Despite the regulations there are plenty of easy to acquire animals there.
Last trip to the keys was the worst. The entire place is a fricking giant aquarium. And our rental had a seawall that was teeming with miniature exotics.
Right now I have a 55g with some crappy whisper filters, not heated. My basement is generally mid 60s. It is full of killies from a spring fishing trip to the DE bay. Aka mud minnows, mummychogs, etc. They are fearless and hardy to a fault. Which is entertaining when you put your hand in the tank and they mob you. I set that up on a whim when we got home and lost maybe 3 or 4 out of the 4 dozen left over. Anything I'd put in with them would almost certainly eat them... but I think that'd be okay. A baby flounder would be boss, though not sure I could collect one legally via fishing. I'm sure there are some reasonable cool unregulated species. Sea robin comes to mind, though they get huge. Baby blackfish? Again regulated. Grey trigger if I don't mind losing a finger or two.
Anyone running local saltwater tanks? What kind of specimens do you have?