Midas Blenny.... SPS safe?


Active member
Thinking of getting a Midas blenny, what are your experiences with them? Just hoping it won't nip at my corals.

Got one and it has the best personality!! Mine and so far others haven't touch any sps that I know of. Go for it.
Mine is okay with my SPS as well. It's a real active fish that likes so swim up front and show off. It sleeps in a hole in the rock and backs into it if it's scared ... fun fish!
Mine has been good, but recently has gotten quite territoritial ... chases some of the other fish, may have nipped my clam.

Not sure why it `went bad', but I may be removing mine [didn't hassle any SPS, though].
Midas blennies, unlike most of its other congeners, is pretty benign when it comes to corals. However, E. midas, as MiddletonMark said, get quite territorial when they get older and larger. I have seen one chase a large blue tang (P. hepatus) as if there were no size difference--and the tang was SUBSTANTIALLY larger than the midas blenny.
Yup, mine has terrorized any dartfish [firefish, dart gobies] and similar body-profile fishes .... as well as wrasses, my sunburst anthias. Size means very little - though I've had it for a year +, and evidently 58g is a little under what it wants as a territory ;)
I've had my midas for about 2 years, and I've had SPS for about 1 year. Sor far the two mix really well. The midas is a bit agressive and teritorial, and offten lets me know when I put my hands in his area. I just added a six-line wrasse over the weekend. So far they are OK together. The midas for the most par just stays on his pearch and only starts to get agressive if the six-line comes within like six inches. Not sure what variety of midas mine is though.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7147944#post7147944 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MiddletonMark
Yup, mine has terrorized any dartfish [firefish, dart gobies] and similar body-profile fishes .... as well as wrasses, my sunburst anthias. Size means very little - though I've had it for a year +, and evidently 58g is a little under what it wants as a territory ;)

Apparently, a 240 was a bit too small as well ;). I would suspect few people have a large enough tank to evade all aggression. Also notice how each of the fish you listed, in addition to P. hepatus, are all planktivores (some midwater, some lower, but in the same level in a tank), so aggression will be worse toward similar trophic levels and niches.
Mine hasnt given any problem either.
He has claimed a big elephants ear as his own which has put the clowns out a bit as they were just about ready to go in there. cant believe how he eats absolutely anything.
I have a 92 gal corner tank and my Midas Blenny does challenge my purple firefish ... it leaves the other two stardard firefish alone though. My Onyx clowns simply ignore it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7150850#post7150850 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dandydan
cant believe how he eats absolutely anything.

This is something else to keep in mind with these fish. They need to eat A LOT, and the more offten you can feed them the better it is. Steven Pro was at our club a couple months ago. He described these fish as one that is not so easy to keep long term. If I remeber correct I don't think that midas blennies have a swim blader, makeing them have to work extra hard to stay in the water collumn. Which in turn means they need a lot of food all day long to keep them going. I think one of the reasons I've had good success with this fish is that I do feed him a ton, and since there aren't any schooling fish, he never feels compelled to swim in the water collumn. He typically just pearches in his spot, and really only swims when I come to the tank, because he thinks he's getting fed every time he sees me.
Thanks for the info everyone!

Looks like I will skip the Midas and go with a Black sailfin instead, I have had good luck with them in the past.

Thanks again.