Millepora... ?


New member
Hi all... I got this bit o' coral from a gentleman who was breaking down a tank, and it's been in my system for about 2 weeks under AB 10K 250W lighting. It started as sorta brown with yellowish tips, but it's beginning to color up a bit more - the yellow tips have become much brighter and are beginning to get some greenish highlights. (The camera didn't pick that up well, and I apologize for that.)

So, any ideas on what I might have here? A friend of mine thought it might be a pink lemonade variety, but I'm not seeing any signs of pink; as I said, it's going more toward green, even on some of the "hair".


Could be A. millepora or A. prostrata <-- Check spelling

Best to let grow out some to get a positive ID
I was going to say, maybe it still needs more time to develop its colors for a better shot at an ID. We'll see what happens... :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10352255#post10352255 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by themadreeferTN
Looks Like A. Millepora. Does it ever have a long tentacle that comes from each of its polyps?
It does have tentacles that come out of the polyps, but define "long". ;)

I'll have to see if I can manage a pic under the actinics, when everything is extended. My digital camera isn't exactly top-notch, I'm afraid, so you'll have to bear with.

I'm looking at images of prostrata as well, and I'm trying to become a little more familiar with the characteristics. Thanks to everyone who has chimed in so far!