Mine and Isis Mantis Pic

Looks like a juv. G. Smithii, smasher to me. Mine did not get the bright colored meral spot until he was about 3 inches.

Obviously, I can be considered biased ;)
Its a smasher. It has changed color several times. When I found it, it was a very light tan color. It then changed to a salmon red color over the course of several months. Now it has taken this light Kermit skin green color recently. Its getting pretty big about 3 inches long now.
when these were taken she was pretty much all green and now she is green with a hint of red. I don't get it, why is she changing color again?
I have a mantis that looks just like your's except it is black in color. I've had the darn thing for about 2 years. He came in on some rock :mad:

He is about 1 1/2 inches. Will he get bigger? Are my fish doomed to be eaten? He hasn't bothered any of them over the last 2 years. However, my snails disappear at an alarming rate.

Thanks for your replies!
ours eats snails, hermit crabs, silversides, squid, and shrimp. She can't catch the damsels we have in the tank but I think if given the chance, she would attack and kill them. I guess it depends on what kind of fish you have in your tank and how often you feed your mantis.