Mirror on back wall?


New member
Has anyone placed mirror(s) on the back wall of the tank? I'm thinking of placing a mirror behind the tank in order to enhance the visual depth.

There are two positions for placement.

1) flush with back of tank, positioning rock to only allow viewing of the back wall from an angle. This prevents you from seeing yourself as you look in.

2) Angle the mirror behind the tank. This might prevent the fish from having a big problem with it.

Is this too weird of an idea? Will it drive the fish insane? Ohhh...how about a blue-tinted mirror?
Some of my fish go crazy when they see their reflection, while others hide. I wonder if they can get used to it over time.
I think that if you have a mirror there than you would need to keep the back glass very clean or it will look bad
I say a nice back ground
but if you try it let us know how it works out
Try setting one there and see if the fish react. My chromis tries to school with it and my yellow watchman nearly burst a blood vessel trying to kill the other guy. For corals, it's great!
Cool....it would seem that I'm not the first to have thought of this. I'll give it a try, while trying to position it so that there's no direct reflection to drive the fish crazy. You'll see how it looks when I get it all done.

Yes...I do intend to keep the back glass clean.
Untames, I am considering as well.

HCRK has a few feet separating the mirror from the back of the tank. I believe his would help dramatically.

After seeing his tank, I want to do it also, but would have to attach closer to tank. , please keep us posted.
i have it on my tank... doesn't bother the fish and does add a lot of depth. keeping the back glass clean is a must. i actualy used mirror vinyl. it it reflective enough but not so much that you see your reflection.
I think its cool for corals, and schooling fish, but I think it would bother alot of other fish. I think if you are going to do it, you should definatly tint it blue. That would look awsome! :)
