Miss the old days...


Premium Member
Its sucks that my tank is only 8g. I wanna buy more corals and fish but at this point with about 15 to 20 different corals I don't know if I can add much more...
Sounds like it's time to upgrade :rollface: . Sometimes it's cheaper than you think, especially if you can re-use the same equipment. The RO source, the Top off system, the pumps, the livestock, etc can all be re-used. If you keep the same bio-load, you should even be able to keep the same skimmer/filtration methodology. If you are using old lighting technology, ie that which use lamp bulbs like MHs, PCs, VHOs or T5s, then when it comes time to replace the bulbs, the cost of a new unit minus the $$ you would spend on new "old" bulbs would bring down your bottom line, net cost. Used tanks can be had for less than $1 per gallon, sometimes even new at PetCo. If your nano is really that filled with corals, then you can even swap some corals for extra liverock or use the proceeds for your new light.

Does my argument work? :frog:
Haha, I have the same problem with my 14 gallon!

I have the same problem with my 200.

Not trying to be funny. My point is sometimes you have to have a hiatus. Work, family, kids, etc.. make us slow down these luxuries. I took a hiatus fro 5-6 years due to above. That allowed me to come back strong.

So if all life allows you at this moment is a 8 gall so be it. Enjoy.:)

We all have the bug, it doesn't die. You'll be back in full swing soon enough Jimbo.