New member
Approximately 3 weeks ago, I bought the GEO 612 calcium reactor. I am just now setting it up. I was getting ready to calibrate the pH probe. Before I did that, I decided to make sure I could get it right into the reactor after calibration. That way the probe wouldn't dry out. Anyway, the instructions for the reactor say that the pH probe adapter comes with the reactor. I cannot find it. Currently, there is a black threaded plug in the spot where the probe goes. Is the adapter under that somehow and I am just missing it? Anyway, I am at a standstill until I can find an adapter. Can I make one somehow? Or, do I have to have the actual adapter? Please let me know soon. I don't want to resort to adding 2 part liquid. It is currently Saturday at 6PM. I know you guys had walk in hours until 3PM today, and are now closed for the weekend, but I was hoping that someone was monitoring Reef Central and could get back to me tonight with some advice or something.