Mixed color or single color colonies?


New member
I am sure other organized, type A people will understand where I am coming from on this question and others may wonder why anyone would even worry about something like this.

I am becoming a huge fan of zoanthids. I love the color and the ability to add them in spaces on my reef that need to be filled in. I have purchased most of my zoanthids from local stores and also a few frags on eBay. Several of the colonies that I have purchased have different color polyps within one colony. Some have random colors mixed, some are half and half, some have a few odd balls within a single color, and some are all the same. I am wondering if most of you prefer to keep your colors seperate or do you just leave things as they are?

If you have a few odd polyps do you kill them with Joe's Juice, if you have a colony that is 50/50 do you split it at the risk of damaging some of your colony or do you just let things go as they are?

I prefer to keep them seperate.... Those mixed rocks can be a treasure in disguise as well...

This rock was covered in brownish zoas... After closer examination it looked like there was just one blue zoa polyp on the rock. So we cut off all the other zoas just leaving the one blue zoa. Sort of like treasure hunting with the mixed rocks.

If you look closely you can see one of the other polyps still on there, just to the lower left of the blues.

Note: This is an older pic and these are growing good and looking fabulous now :D
I always find that my mixed rocks tend to end up with just one of the two types on them in time. I prefer to buy a single type on a rock.
if the zoas are of the same or closely related species i have found that they can co-exist, but mixing random zoas can lead to the demise of one.