mixing BRS mag


Active member
I have BRS mag from the two different jugs, how do you guys mix it? I go by the number of scopes per the directions on the jugs and it takes FOREVER to mix. I always have a ton left over that I have to shake up for hours
I usually get tired of shaking and let it sit for a few days so its room temp but even then it takes forever to mix up
I use power heads or water pumps to mix everything. Mix it (salt, Mg, whatever) and let it swirl for a day. Five gallon buckets are our friends.

I found Instant ocean has tons of mag in it already, much more than sea water, so water changes are all that's needed when using IO.

I stupidly bought BRS mag supplement the same time I purchased the mag test kit. Now I'm stuck with mag supplement I'll probably never use.
I use a 5g bucket for all three. I put in ~4g of ro/di water and then dump in the correct amount of whichever I'm mixing to equal 5g of mix. I use a old koralia PH to mix it up. Let it run for however long I'm doing something else (15 minutes to oops I forgot it from yesterday) then decant it into 1g jugs that I pour into a 7g potable water container. I top off with enough ro/di to equal 5g total volume to keep the mixes correct. That way I only have to mix the stuff up every few months.