Mixing KNO3 + Alkalinity


New member
May seem like a crazy question, but can I mix KNO3 into the buffered top-off water that I use to also maintain alkalinity? My tank is a 40B and I mix sodium bicarbonate into RODI and use that as my top off to keep tank alk at about 7.3 dkh. This is done with many small doses per day to prevent large PH variations. I've recently been adding KNO3 to help keep my nitrates above 0, which has plagued me for a while. The addition of KNO3 has done wonders to the growth and color of my acros. I'm currently manually dosing the KNO3 daily and would like an automatic solution without adding another dosing pump.
I'm no chemist (might want to ask in the reef chemistry forum) but I'd be hesitant to mix KNO3 and the bicarbonate.

As for the automated dosing of nutrients, I do have some insight:
At one point I had converted my reef to a high tech planted tank. Dosing macros and micros via my dosers seemed like a great idea! Unfortunately the reality with nutrients in solution is that they don't last and will grow mold. You can get around this to some extent if you want to construct a refrigerated storage locker (they make small fridges that can hold a six pack of beer). You'll still be replacing your solution every week or two, but that's better than every couple of days.

I dose KNO3 manually into my tank currently, but I only do it once a week or so.
I run my 2 part with dosers and add Nitrate to my RO resovoir. May want to ask in the Chem forum. How do you supplement calcium?
I think Kno3 should be fine with bicarbonate. The main issue is mixing k2po4 with micro nutrients as the phosphate binds with iron and precipitates out of solution unless a suitable chelator is added to the mix.
I run my 2 part with dosers and add Nitrate to my RO resovoir. May want to ask in the Chem forum. How do you supplement calcium?

I have a similar dosing system for calcium as I described for alkalinity, so I have 2 dosing pumps that cycle frequently that manage top off and ca & alk simultaneously. I'm trying to avoid adding another dosing pump for the KNO3.