Mixing pumps


Premium Member
I have 3 Stream 6000 pumps, I have the 7095 multicontroller. I also have 3 deco rocks. I want to get a fourth pump to complete the system. Do the new Stream 2 pumps fit into the deco rocks. I would like to have that option. Can I use the newer pumps on the older controller, or is their a new controller?
Yes the newer streams can be used in the deco rocks. The new streams can be used on any controller that we have had in the past and there is a new less expensive ( but very awesome ) controller that has come out, the 7096.
Unless you have a really, really old controller, the new pumps only work on 7094-7096, it won't work with the 7092 and 7093 but those are over 10 years old.
Thanks guys. Actually I have the 7095 controller, but not really, as the woman stole it for her tank, so I need a new one anyway.
Oh, can the old stream 6000 (3 years old) be used with the 7096 controller? or is it specific to the stream 2?
Ok, I guess I answered my own question that the new controller will work with the 6000, but I can't find any info on a comparison of cababilities between the 7095 and the 7096 software. Does it do more less or the same as the 7095?
They have a few differences. 7095 has Interval 2 which idles one pump and pulses the other, 7096 has no equivalent at this time but this may be added in a future revision. 7095 also is capable of 1 sec intervals. 7096 only has intervals down to 1 minute. 7096 has Storm mode, a weekly storm program. 7096 has variable foodtimer length, you can program the foodtimer duration. 7096 has wavebox mode, it can directly run a wavebox. 7096 has 4 true channels vs 2 channels on 7095.
Thanks Roger. I had just come across another thread that got me the info. I had just hit order on the 7096 when you replied. Can't wait to try it out.