Mixing yellow & mimic tangs in 180g?


New member
Does anyone know whether yellow tangs are compatible with acanthurus tangs? I have a mimic tang and would like to add a yellow tang to the same 180g reef if possible.

I have seen wild convict tangs (acanthurus triostegus) grazing in close proximity to yellow tangs (zebrasoma flavescens) in Hawaii . Convict tangs are similar in shape and size to mimic tangs (acanthurus pyroferus). But in captivity, I read something about how yellow tangs can become quite territorial and aggressive towards other tangs???
I dunno about if its supposed to be done, but my good friend has those 2 in a 150g and everything is wonderful. In fact, they have made friends as odd as it may sound. Ill try to dig up pics for ya. Then again, some people can have puffers with softies, and my old puffer woudnt even let an anenome live in his tank... Heh

most likely no problem. I think the key is to add them together. I have a powder blue a regal and a naso in my 180 with no problem
Had 4 yellow Tangs, Purple, powder Blue, Hippo and added the mimc 6 months later and the only one that gave him a hard time was the powder blue. They all get along fine after a couple of weeks. The yellows never cared about him