modify my tank


New member
I currently have a 38 gallon tank that I want to mount a light in the center of the tank. Problem is that I have a plastic center brace running right smack dab in the center of the tank.
I dont think its a good idea to just remove that center brace without reinforcing in another area.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Would it be alright to cut the brace, or reinforce in other areas? Thanks for the help guys

here is a pic of the top of my tank
image dump does not allow direct linking......and if you search around I have seen people replace the brace with cables.....some i can think off of the top of my head had to do it because there MH melted through them. Might give you something to search for.
sorry about the image dump, didnt know about that. how would you attach the cables to the tank to keep it sturdy? I will take a look online as well but i am definately a little confused on that.
if you cut the brace, you should leave about 3/4 to 1 inch and you can drill into that leftover and run the cables between them. Some even use a piece of acrylic and mount that to the remaining tabs!
good advice i never thought of doing this---a simple way to add a single mh to the tank w/o the restriction of the center brace

What type of cables could be used without any worry of contamination to the tank?
I am sure you can get some pretty stong nylon cables or something similar (but I have never looked into it).....but I did have another idea, the bad part about this idea is it would require the tank to be taken down. I have see euro style tanks (i think thats right) where instead of a center brace there is about 2in wide glass by .25 or .5 thickness that goes around the entire peremiter of the tank. This should also provide pleanty of support but you would have to take the tank down to add this glass I imagine.