mojano eating fish


In Memoriam
Anyone have or know where I can get a fish that eats mojanos. I have a Klein's butterfly, skat and a fantail file fish. They are all healthy and eat like pigs but not the mojanos. I have tried all the advertized treatments including the zapper wand. They keep coming back. Would like some help before I tear down the tank and start over.
I had the same issues over the years with several tanks. The only thing that has ALWAYS worked for me are peppermint shrimps - they've always knocked them out and the aiptasia/mojanos never came back.
I have tried them and I guess my cleaner shrimps eat them, because in a week or so they are all gone.
I had the same issues over the years with several tanks. The only thing that has ALWAYS worked for me are peppermint shrimps - they've always knocked them out and the aiptasia/mojanos never came back.

+1. Pop 3 peppermmints in there and they are toast
Anyone have or know where I can get a fish that eats mojanos. I have a Klein's butterfly, skat and a fantail file fish. They are all healthy and eat like pigs but not the mojanos. I have tried all the advertized treatments including the zapper wand. They keep coming back. Would like some help before I tear down the tank and start over.

I had a raccoon butterfly who destroyed my mojanos. I have passed him along to techdiverfl for his tanks you may want to see if he is done with the fish and maybe he can pass it along. I had 100s of mojanos
btw, never had luck with peppermints eating mojanos, BUT yes, they do devour aptaisias. They also rip open zoos that are digesting foods once they figure out there is no more aipatias and the zoos are holding easy food.

Then again, I also had a yellow tang that did that.