New member
My red monti cap has stopped growing, and is going pale, especially around the edges. It's not losing tissue, and still has polyp extension, but the color has really faded. I've seen some color loss in a neighboring purple monti as well, but my spongades and my encrusting montis still look ok.
After doing some reading, I suspected potassium, but I got a Salifert test a couple weeks ago and it came to 340. Low, but not horribly so. I got some Brightwell supplement as well, and have kept the level at 400 since.
Lighting-Reefbreeders LED, no recent changes to program
Nutrient export-AquaMaxx CO2 skimmer, ATS, weekly 15% water changes
Alk/Cal maintained by automatic 2-part dosing
System is a year old
I think that covers the basics. You'll notice my PO4 tested 0.00 per the new Hanna checker I got. This is the less precise Phosphate checker, not the Phosphorous one, but I was floored to see PO4 undetectable since I don't run GFO or anything. First of all, how could I have 0 phosphate and 20 nitrate? Second, could insufficient phosphate be harming my monti while seemingly leaving my acros and other SPS unscathed?
After doing some reading, I suspected potassium, but I got a Salifert test a couple weeks ago and it came to 340. Low, but not horribly so. I got some Brightwell supplement as well, and have kept the level at 400 since.
Lighting-Reefbreeders LED, no recent changes to program
Nutrient export-AquaMaxx CO2 skimmer, ATS, weekly 15% water changes
Alk/Cal maintained by automatic 2-part dosing
System is a year old
I think that covers the basics. You'll notice my PO4 tested 0.00 per the new Hanna checker I got. This is the less precise Phosphate checker, not the Phosphorous one, but I was floored to see PO4 undetectable since I don't run GFO or anything. First of all, how could I have 0 phosphate and 20 nitrate? Second, could insufficient phosphate be harming my monti while seemingly leaving my acros and other SPS unscathed?