Montipora question


New member
Good morning. I have this Montipora that I got about 2 weeks ago. I have noticed that the edges started to bleach out. I have been reading conflicting reports online regarding the cause of this. Can anyone help me? My SG is 1.025, pH 7.8, dKH 8, NH3, NO3, PO4 all 0. This Monti is on the lower third of the tank. I have 4 T5HO bulbs, 2 ATI Aquablue Plus, 1 ATI Purple Plus and 1 Coralife Actinic. Maxspect Gyre on pulse mode at 20%. Thanks.


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Thanks for the reply. However, I have attached herein a photo of the other plating Montipora that I have in the same tank that seems to be doing well.


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Not sure if it's just me but that seems dead. What are your other parameters? How old are the bulbs? Montis are usually forgiving so something is amiss in your tank

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Its brown color from the start does not look good at all. Thats def not healthy. The second picture looks like it is basically dead. It may have a few polyps on it, and if you get it turned around, they are amazingly resilient, and will grow back. Ive seen them come back from just 2-3 polyps :)
Thank you for your inputs. The second Montipora has polyps that glow under actinic and hasn't sloughed anything off. The Montipora in the first picture has almost turned completely white. The worms that live on the colony are thriving. The reverse Superman Montipora that I have is also looking good. Perhaps it's just a bad specimen from Live Aquaria.
I'm guessing he is referring to feather dusters, but yeah would like see a pic as well, something has me thinking pest nudis possibly also I'd be looking for black bugs as well.