Moonlight Pic, pointers wanted


New member
This is not showing the true color of these very hot/neon pink rics. The camera is a poor one, but I am sure there are some settings I can change to help this along. Any pointers?

Pic is overexposed. Try purposely underexposing the shot. Even with that, your camera was never built to pick up that kind of color, so white balancing will always be an issue.

But first, try underexposing at different levels (Exposure Compensation).
Ahh thank you, I see what you mean, I also see what you mean about the camera was not meant for this, hehe. It just can't do what I want. Time to upgrade.

Here is a neg 1 comp

Here is a neg 2 comp

Thanks again for the tips =)
FWIW i just bought the fujifilm s700 form wal-mart for 250
its a really good camera for beginners and takes really good pics
so if your wanting to upgrade without spending lots of money this would be a good camera to get . here's a link to the camera and some pics i took with it so you can see what I'm talking about

link to cam - 20k -

night shot of carpet anemone with moon lights

night shot of full tank with moon lights

Yeah, Fujis are pretty good camera. I've always liked their optics (good quality film too for those who remember film cameras). Anyway, I've found that Canons seem to perform best for low light shots, but nighttime shots are difficult for just about any point and shoot. Pretty nice pictures, though, MIREEFER.
get adobe lightroom. shoot in raw mode if possible and you can tweak the picture to match how it truely looks in your aquarium.