Moorish idol???


New member
Since I started a tank I have been completely obsessed with one day caring for a moorish idol. I was just curious how many people have attempted to keep one and how hard they are to keep. I am not going to order one and play the chance game, I would just like to know if its a pipe dream or is it possible with the right experience, and what precautions I must take when the time is right?
They have a rather terrible survival record, from what I've seen. Someone here as kept one successfully, though, maybe it's Paul B.?

I hope I don't get in trouble for posting an outside link, but this page has some FAQs that will give you an idea of the challenges of keeping them:
I quess Ill wait it out and maybe(if I'm lucky) someone will find a way to keep a MI in captivity and then I'll be happy. Iam not in this hobby to see how many species I can kill, but to keep the already kept in the best environment possible and enjoy every moment.
sounds like a good plan lunning!:) seeing the different fish in nature brings more pleasure than keeping any fish in captivity.
Lunning If you want to see them in the sea, Tahiti is the best place. (a little costly though)