Moose Dreamtank 1000 liter system.

Beautiful tank you have there! I noticed you have a clown tang. I love the look of those fish! Can you give some info on it! Any aggression? How big? How long have you had him etc?
Beautiful tank you have there! I noticed you have a clown tang. I love the look of those fish! Can you give some info on it! Any aggression? How big? How long have you had him etc?

Hello! And thanks!

My clowntang is about 12-14 cm. I have only had him 3 months so far, got it from a friend, the tang terrorized his tank. Nut in my tank hes has showed me zero of that behavior so far.
And if he tries to do something my yellow tang comes and shows who´s the king,

I really like the clowntang myself, constantly swimming. Looking for food.
Wow, Mooose, your tank is coming along amazingly well.
Stefan took some amazing photos of your tank!
It's beautiful and growing quickly.
I love the open scape.
Why no sound track? Couldn't you at least sing a song or hum a tune? Maybe "Octopus's Garden" or "Yellow Submarine"?

Just kidding. Looks great! ;)

So nice. I love the growth forms on so many of your larger colonies.
It's very neat the way the birdsnest is growing around and below the big green stag.
Really beautiful scape.
How many Evansi anthias do you have and what are you feeding them?
It really does look terrific. The way you've rock-scaped is terrific. I like how there are valleys and a couple of peaks... but for the most part you left a lot of space for the corals to fill... and they are doing just that! Gives me some ideas for my own!