The problem with cleaning Tunze streams is the cord connection. For me at least, one side was much more difficult because of the canopy, wiring, access in untangeling the cord and electrical stuff I did not want to risk getting wet. I keep them connected but hit pause on MC and remove the gasket (vinegar will play havoc on this part), then place one in a 5gal salt bucket with 50/50 vinegar and water. 4 hours is good, even overnight. I pause again on MC and brush/dip coraline slime off, then towel off stubborn slime and finally place in 2nd 5gal bucket with clean water for about 10 minutes so I don't inadvertantly spike anything. Whenever I get that alarm sound, I know it's time to break down and clean the impellar as well...roughly once or twice a year depending on kalk drip and tank levels.