Most effective coral dip?


New member
So happy I set up a quarantine months ago [emoji5] [emoji40]

Found these on a bunch of new corals I received. Found out the nudibranch is a monti eating nudi but not sure on the flatworm I.d. Got rid of what I could see using tweezers and a toothbrush, then placed them in quarantine.

Not putting these anywhere near my DT until I'm 100% sure they are pest free.. Any coral dips out there that kill eggs as well as the adults or do I just have to do multiple dips over the next few weeks?
And which is the best and most effective coral dip out there?


I have that nudi, been treating for the last 2 months, comes back every couple of weeks. Been using Bayer more and more concentrated. Kills adults but not the eggs. Have to keep treating as soon as you seen them. More from coral to coral. Hopefully I have broken the life cycle.

You know what took care of my monti eating nudibranch problem? Peppermint shrimp. I swear they picked my monti's clean of those little pests. Saved a nice monti cap colony in fact.
thank god for QT, I went round and round with the montipora eating nudi's. Didn't know I had them in the Display, wrasses kept them in check. When I transferred a bunch of monti to a holding tank with no predators the invasion began.
I tried Bayer, Coral RX, Lugol's, Revive, some other hokey pokey dip forget the name of and nothing killed them. Have read threads where people say a strong dip of revive kills them, but wasn't my experience. I left an adult nudi in a Bayer dip solution overnight and it was still alive in the morning. Forget the strength of the dip as well, but was the standard dose from google searches. Nothing killed the eggs either. So, what ended up working for me was fragging all the colonies down, supergluing all the cracks and crevices where a Nudi could hide and manually removing the pests.
Peppermint shrimp would eat them but not get all of the ones that hid in the coral or between the frag and the plug.
My best suggestion is stay on top of it, remove corals from mounts, plugs, rock etc, less places to hide the better. Manually remove the pests you see, a pipette worked well for that and an old toothbrush to remove the eggs. A revive dip will help loosen their grip and baster to blow them out of the cracks. Don't get frustrated and give up, you can beat the boogers just may take a little time. Be grateful they are in the qt and not the display.. good luck
I have that nudi, been treating for the last 2 months, comes back every couple of weeks. Been using Bayer more and more concentrated. Kills adults but not the eggs. Have to keep treating as soon as you seen them. More from coral to coral. Hopefully I have broken the life cycle.


The thing you need to do is use a magnifying glass and look everywhere on the bottom, in every nook and cranny for the eggs and scrape them off with a razor blade. Do this step after dipping in bayer and you will eliminate your problem.
The thing you need to do is use a magnifying glass and look everywhere on the bottom, in every nook and cranny for the eggs and scrape them off with a razor blade. Do this step after dipping in bayer and you will eliminate your problem.

If they come back will do! Thanks.
