Mote Volunteer Needed


New member
Hello there gang.

Well, all of our "snowbird" volunteers left this week. Which means that we are in need of some weekend volunteers.

You would be under my supervision, which means i'll make you clean all the protein skimmers!!!!
But, you would probably do feeding and cleaning of coral exhibits, seahorse exhibits and breeding, jellyfish, octo, and other invert systems. You would also do some filter cleaning.

If there is any type of animal that you are interested in, I can probably have you work with them.

So, if you are free on Saturdays for a few hours, we really need you

Please call my supervisor Sarah Friend at 1800-691-MOTE ext. 241
and mention volunteering with Shawn Garner (if not, you may just be a speaking volunteer and not the fun stuff!!)
