Hello again. I are engineer. Dont worry, I know its wrong, other engineers get the joke. Admittedly I am a mechanical engineer (turbines mostly) not an electronics engineer, but it would seem to me that common sense and your intrinsic need for preservation would dictate that you NOT locate sensitive ELECTRONIC equipment in the immediate vicinity of SALTWATER or perhaps it is simply that I grew up near a coastline. I understand as much as most the desire to hide all of my equipment for that clean look but certain contingencies must be made when it comes to exercising caution in the name of something you paid so much for. Some of the lesser controllers are sealed better allowing a broader range of mounting options but that minimizes/prevents your chance for expansion. Its your call, I guess the higher end equipment should be preserved for those capable of due diligence when designing their system but its not up to the manufacturer to decide who is smart enough for their product. Have you ever looked on the back of a can of hair spray? I says "Do Not Spray Directly Into Eyes" but they still sell it to anyone and everyone hoping they are smart enough to use it properly.