move and/or split caulpera (grape?)


New member
Hi all,

This seems like a simple question, but i haven't been able to find the answer....

Basically i got a piece of "grape" caulpera on some live rock i got. It's growing very well in my main tank, but i'd like to move it to my sump. So i have a couple questions:

1) how do detach it from the existing rock and move it to a new location safely?
2) can you take a "cutting" and split the plant into 2 living parts? If so, what's the correct procedure?

Just pull it out. You can't kill this stuff.
I have it in my refugium and I pull it out by the hand full.
It will attach to anything and if the lighting is good will grow very quickly.
I wouldn't put it in the main tank it will overgrow the tank and smother anything in its way.
Great for nutrient export.