MOVING!! 90 gallon reef -Need to sell EVERYTHING!!!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6936365#post6936365 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jimfed1
Hey Kip
We are moving back to Iowa, where reefing is nonexistent. We will be living with family for a couple months till we find a house, so everything would have to go through a whole lot before reaching a final destination.

As far as the sale of things, I would still like to sell as a whole. Later I will post a price list of things individually as it looks like there is a lot of interest in separating things. Still trying to get pics up, but cannot get them downsized. Thanks for all the interest for those who have pm'ed me. I will respond later today if I decide to split things up.

Depending where you are going in Iowa you are a little off base about reef keeping being non existent. It is actually quite popular, especially along the I-80 corridor. If you decide to keep your stuff I am sure you could find someone to help you get things going when you got here.

I think I had it priced way too low to sell as a complete setup, as i started figuring up prices on selling things separate and would have sold for much more that way. But hey, someone got a great deal on a sweet setup. Thanks everyone for their words of encouragement on our move. It is a scary time, but things always seem to work out. Wish us luck