Moving from a 55 to a 90.


New member
My question is this if my 90 gallon aquarium which has been running for 1 week has the same salinity and temp as my 55 gallon can I move my entire contents from 55 to 90 gallon in one day? My problem is that I only have one light which I have to put on the 90 gallon when I switch. All opinions welcome. Thanks and have a great day.
well, how much liverock do you have in the 90 and what livestock is in it now? Also like he^^^ said what livestock is in your 55, if not to much you may be alright, but if there is alot then you may experience a mini to large cycle.
Basically live rock, Hippo Tang, Atlantic Blue Tang, Yellow Polyp, Frogspawn, Xenia, Green Mushroom, 2 Clowns, 1 Lawnmower Blenny, and some assorted inverts.
I have about 60 pounds of live rock. The 90 gallon has only been running for about a week. Also I will be adding 60 pounds of live sand.
I did it. Worked well for me. The only thing I did was I made sure to switch about 30 gallons of water along with the fish. I also had new lights already set up. I didn't lose anything.
I did it, from 55 to 100gal. I just transfered water, rock, and livestock all at the same time. Of course I had to add more saltwater to the 100gal. but it went togather perfectly.. Just put towels all over the place and have fun!!
I know what you mean about the towls. I just completed the swap. The water is a little cloudy right now, but I think everyone will be ok. Have a great night, and I'll talk at ya later.