Moving large tank

Mile high reefer

New member
I am wanting to move a large 300 gallon tank across country. And keep it alive. I moved a 90 gallon across town and it was a 12 hour day with three guys and 10 new trash cans. Thoughts on moving one 800 miles.
Welcome to RC!

If you do the drive all at once, you’re looking at a 12 hour+ drive.

Here’s what I would do:
Rent a UHaul work van or similar (not the non temp regulated box trucks)
Buy a couple 150 gallon tubs/stocktanks for livestock and rock and a couple power inverters for heaters and powerheads and then use trash cans for anything left over (not sure how much space you’ll have)
Load into the U-Haul and start the drive.

Ideally it should be done in one day, but I don’t know where you’re located so if weather permits, you could probably split it over two days. I’m just not aware of a heater that would be able to compete with the cold of a vehicle overnight.

This is of course if you have multiple drivers as the tank would likely be moved in a separate U-Haul/moving vehicle.

Once at the new location, everything could probably stay in the stock tanks until the tank is set up and ready


Could always hire a fish company that does cross country moves. I’ve heard Aquatic Technology in Northern Ohio moves tanks like that but not sure what limits they have or if you may have a closer option.


Could split up the move. Pack everything up in coolers, tank on a pallet, etc. and book a spot on a cargo plane (similar to what suppliers do with live rock from the gulf). Fly out on a separate plane and meet the cargo plane upon arrival and U-Haul it to the new location. Then fly back and complete the rest of the move.

I’m just putting some thoughts out there
I like the U-Haul with stock tanks and heaters idea. I could use a generator possibly for power. There is very little chance of nonstop. Thank you for this idea. I will start planning this with more details. Also thank you for the welcome. I was a member back in 2004- 06.
Welcome back! I remember your username. It sounds really exciting to plan and pull off something this big, but I'd personally be far too chicken due to the prospect of all the possible losses costing way more than starting from scratch. Good luck, though!