Moving liverock and sand with aiptaisia and gha


New member
I'm planning on moving 3 rocks from my current display to a new tank. 1 has gsp, the second has mushrooms, and nothing on the third.

My issue is that all 3 rocks has aiptaisia and some (slowest dying) gha.

I have a very mature sand bed that has small aiptaisia on the surface, I figured I'd just swee them aside before moving the sand.

Those 3 rocks are fully covered with coralline and sponges in the back.

Any advice on moving the rock will be appreciated!
Personally I'd restart the rock with a bleach bath and start from scratch, starting a new tank with old problems, probably not the best start. The gsp rock I would sell or remove as much as possible if you dnt want it in the new tank

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I'm planning on moving 3 rocks from my current display to a new tank. 1 has gsp, the second has mushrooms, and nothing on the third.

My issue is that all 3 rocks has aiptaisia and some (slowest dying) gha.

I have a very mature sand bed that has small aiptaisia on the surface, I figured I'd just swee them aside before moving the sand.

Those 3 rocks are fully covered with coralline and sponges in the back.

Any advice on moving the rock will be appreciated!

:fish1: Hi, please don't bleach your rock, there are so many threads on this site on how to kill Aiptaisia, form killing them with Lasers, to injecting them with Kalk paste. :fish1:
As someone who has a laser for this purpose, I can say it is amazingly fun to sizzle and pop the ****ers from outside he glass while you giggle with glee and delight.

That said, lasers are not a full wipe method. You WILL continue to get new ones spawning up because there will be aiptaia buried deep in your rocks and in the back where you can't even see em, busy speading their nasty wh0re seed everywhere.

It's pretty rare for someone to ACTUALLY get rid of aiptasia once it has infested your system and propogated/spawned once.

IMO, pests are inevitable and unvoidable. You do your best to prevent it but eventually it WILL happen with something. Getting good control habits is standard operating procedure for a reef tank anyway.

I'm currently looking for berghia nudes to supplement my laser warfare. I get aiptasia growing in crazy impossible to reach places like the AIO chamber (its a nano 24G with almost no room in the back).

I also use aiptasia X, though I question its effectiveness sometimes...
Thanks for the feedback, I will do as much as I can before the move. I will try to maintain after that.
if its just three rocks, i vote for the bleach. Why even take the chance....

Its certainly the easiest AND safest method for prevention of a future outbreak. As someone pointed out, even using lasers doesn't really get rid of them. Soak in bleach 14 hours... then keep rinsing off in fresh water with "PRIME". Zero issues