Moving to Florida, Selling everything off...


New member
For logistics reasons, I have decided not to try to move my set up to Florida.

Everything is going except my newest lighting system. Most of my livestock has already been sold/given away. Here is the livestock that is remaining:

1 Yellow Tang
1 Blue Chromie
1 Cleaner Shrimp
Some snails/hermits

Would like to get rid of all the livestock at once. $25 for everything listed above. Bring buckets!!

The tank and stand are only 1 year old. It is a Deep Blue Rimless Edge series 60 gallon (24"x24"x24") glass tank with overflow, starphire front panel, and drilled on the bottom. This beautiful tank is in wonderful shape, I will miss it. Asking $400 for the tank and stand (ordered them last year for $680) (sand is included...unless whoever takes the livestock wants the live sand - about 80 lbs)

At least one 5 gallon bucket of salt - asking $50

Equipment for sale:

Blueline 70HD return pump $185

Panworld 100 PX return pump $125

Rubbermaid 100 gallon stock tank $40

(2) MP10Wes $110 each
(2) MP40Wes $225 each
(vortechs will need wet side cleaned)

(3) Lumenbrite Large Pendants each with unused Radium bulb $100 each (bulbs are unused but were installed in fixture 5 years ago...)

Genuine M80 Magnetic Ballasts! for Radiums: (250W HQI)

(1) BlueWave 7 Dual 250W HQI MH Ballast $150
(1) Bluewave 3 Single 250W HQI MH Ballast $90
(1) New in Box AquaMedic Reeflex Cube Single 250W HQI MH Ballast $100

BlueWave 7 only powered up once, BlueWave 3 only used for about 6 months.

Also LOTS of live rock. The 100 gallon rubbermaid is full of it. Flexible price.

(2) 10 gallon tanks - $5 each

Also have an ooooold 48" 6 bulb T5 fixture...cracked clear bulb guard, not powered up in years, so its free to a good home.

All of this is located in Hinckley. PM or respond to this thread please. Thank you!!!
If any one person is interested in ALL of the MH equipment listed above, you can have the lot for $500

That is enough equipment to light a 180 gallon tank (plus an extra ballast), all almost unused, and very high end for MH equipment (Lumenbrite's, Radiums, and REAL M80 HQI ballats)!
The very thing I needed to finish my build. Yes, I'm saying thanks again.
Asking $3/ lb. for live rock.

Have around 100 lbs. I got most of it from MarcoRocks in 2010 when I started my 180, but theres probably 25-35 lbs from various LFSs
Lots of stuff gone. Here's whats left:

Apex Lite with 2 EB8s and I/O breakout - $300

BRS RO/DI dual membrane, 2 stage DI with booster pump and prefilter - $80

Maybe 50 lbs ? of live rock (make an offer)

One bucket of salt, BRS 3 part chemicals (make an offer)

(2) MP40Wes $200 each

(1) MP10Wes $100

ALL of the Metal Halide stuff listed in the first post - $400