MP40wES blinking red - unable to do a hard reset - pls help!


New member
one of my MP40's is stuck blinking red -- I've looked up the video tutorials you have for doing a hard reset (holding mode, then mode/set followed by a power cycle), but nothing I do changes it from blinking red --- i've tried it with the motor connected to the tank as well as off of the tank and in my hand near the controller.

Any suggestions to get this working again?

thank you
My pump's driver is blinking red, what should I do?

The most common cause of a VorTech pump driver blinking red is because the auto-disconnect calibration was performed improperly. In order to enable disconnect auto-shutoff protection, you must perform a calibration step. This procedure is outlined in the instruction manual. An important aspect of this procedure is that the dry side of the VorTech pump must go through the calibration sequence while holding it in your hand. If you leave the pump attached to the aquarium during this calibration process, it will result in blinking red errors that will remain until the calibration is cleared from the pump's memory. To clear the calibration, you must perform the following steps:

Hold mode (pump blinks white)
Hold mode and set (pump blinks yellow/white)
Cycle power to the pump by un-plugging and re-plugging it in
Upon re-powering, the pump should operate normally. If you would like to re-enable calibration properly, remove the dry side from the aquarium, hold it in your hand, and follow the directions for enabling pump disconnect auto-shutoff protection in your user manual.
Blinking red and what other color? These are possible issues. If all else fails, then do a hard reset by holding both buttons until you get a blink pattern, then the black one till it changes again, then the grey one until it resets.

Over Temperature Condition (red/yellow)
In the event of a motor overheating, the pump will automatically shut down
for a period to allow for cooling. Once the motor has cooled, the driver will
automatically restart and resume normal operation. You may experience an
overheating error from a misalignment.

Stall Condition (red/green)
In the event of a motor stall, the pump may have stopped for a few possible reasons. You should first check that there is not something blocking the propeller from spinning. Next, check to make sure the magnets are not rubbing on either the pin spacer or the frame cover.

Miscellaneous Error (red/blue)
This error could be attributed to a communication error between pumps or an unidentified error in the wave driver. Move the drivers closer together and minimize any physical obstructions in between the drivers.
Thank you both for the responses --- I'm still not able to get this thing to stop blinking red (and it is only red, no other colors) -- im hoping that maybe the ecotech folks chime in here with a solution. here is a video (sorry, flash wasnt working so its dark) but you can see that once i plug it in, i press "mode" for about ten seconds and nothing changes, then the same with "mode and set" and it just blinks red. I am holding the dry side in my hand, and it pulses with every flash of red light.

thanks again in advance

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I would contact EcoTech directly or post on their web site. They have been very responsive when I post a problem via their web site.
im a little surprised i havent heard from ecotech yet on this --- i did contact them last week on their website, got an email back asking for the serial number (im sure it is out of warranty) which i gave them, then the trail went cold once again.
I had issue with my driver one time. Nothing would reset it. Long story short I left over nite and tried next day and worked normal
I have the exact same problem with a MP10wHD. Blinks red. Can do the process in this thread, and power down, but it still stays red.