Multi controller photo cell use


Premium Member
Hi Roger,

Not sure if you'll have an answer for this one but here goes. I'd really like to use the photo cell feature on my multi controller but I'm not sure I can. The only useable configeration for wavemaking with a stream on one channel and 2002s on the other is in pulse mode. Or so my understanding goes.

The problem with this is when the photo cell kicks in you have the pumps set on the bottom setting, eg. stream at 30% and 2002s on a 100% (or visa versa) which sort of defeats the lower flow "night" mode that I'm looking for. Just ends up being more laminar flow.

I'd love to use the photo cell feature so any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Well, the theory is that at night plankton swarms in the reef, the flow does become more laminar as well as calm. You are correct in that it only sets the pumps to the second setting so if you have it set this way you will not be able to drop the flow to much. My personal experience is this is not a bad thing. The flow will be calmer, laminar and yet a good surface agitation will exist to prevent a CO2 accumulation and the subsequent pH drop we usually see at night. One must always remember that as much as we try to run natural aquariums, their are some destinctly unnatural features to a 120gallon body of water so some compromise must be reached, indeed natural is 8dKh but most of us go for 10-12 for the same reason mentioned above. I would give it a go as you have it set up.