Multicolor Angel Fish


New member
I need a good house for my Multicolor Angel Fish my Purple Tang is very aggressive toward him. Right now he's on refugium eating well. Has a bite on tail fin. Please I need somebody with established reef tank 75 gallons or more.
Asking 70.00
I am VERY interested. Need some info on size, behavior with corals, etc...

I have a 187-gallon established reef.
You can have 50/50 changes on him picking at corals the same with Flame Angels. I have a flame and he doesn't bother corals at all. I didn't get a chance to see his behavior because the minute I introduce him in the tank my Purple tang and blue hippo went to kill him, luckily I catch him on time. I have it on my refugium,eating very well. I try to take a picture but his hiding under cheato. He is around 2 inches.
Oh thank you Aquaman! When can I pick up the box. I want to give it a try, I love the fish. You can text me at 954-4seven1-8nine46.
Another thing you can try is hanging or placing a mirror on one of the sides of your aquarium after you introduce your angel. This will divert the attention of the tangs onto the mirror. They will be much more interested in their own reflection than in the new guy. I've tried this when adding new fish and although they still get some aggression it diverts most of it.

Finally if you also have a flame sngel in your tank this might cause additional stress to your multicolor. As a general rule they recommend one Pygmy angel per setup (depending on tank size). They might coexist fine as long as you have plenty of rocks and crevices for them to establish territories and hiding.

My tank is 200gallons. I hope I don't cause to much stress on him, I rather sell him. Aquaman is letting me use a quarantine box to see if the tang get use to him and I'll try the mirror too. I love the fish but I don't want to risk his well being.
You should be fine in a 200 gallon. I have a 200 gallon as well and keep a flame angel, a pair of African Flamebacks and a Multibar Angel. The point is if introduced correctly and done properly you should have little trouble at first and after a few days everything will return to normal.