Multicolor Angel Fish

He look nervous swimming back and forth, but he's eating fine. All the other fishes swimming around the box trying to get from his food. I know stress can make him sick, but I'm monitoring him to see what happens. Thank you for your help AquamanE.
He look nervous swimming back and forth, but he's eating fine. All the other fishes swimming around the box trying to get from his food. I know stress can make him sick, but I'm monitoring him to see what happens. Thank you for your help AquamanE.

Eating fine is a great sign, and a very good step. Ide leave it there for a few days, and release with lights out. Never used the mirror trick but have heard others have success with it.
Hi,flfireman1, How would you introduce the fish correctly? Which steps will you take?
Please help.

I would do like Eddie said in his post. Leave him in there for a couple days (4-5) make sure he's eating. Then release at night with lights off. Also tape a mirror (I use one that is 8"X8") to one side of the tank. Most aggression will be directed towards the mirror. After 2-3 days they should be fine. Minor chases is seen here and there but as long as you don't see any fin damage he should be fine.
I bought a mirror and I placed it on one side of MT Dori (Blue hippo tang) is there all day fighting against herself, it's funny to see her doing that. My baby Angel is eating well but I feel sad he's not free to swim around the tank. His tail fins are healing pretty good. Thanks every one for the help. It's nice to see people caring for others.
SUCCESS! since Sunday I was off; I released Sunshine(multicolor Angel fish) from the box early morning, sliding the box down the tank very slow and he just swim out. He hided on a rock until actinic lights went on. Dori (blue hippo) and first offender,was too busy fighting with herself on the mirror. Purple tang (Donatello) made sure Sunshine knows he's the king with a couple of chases, and flame angel (Poncho) had a couple of ugly confrontations until they picked right and left side boundaries. Yesterday the day was much better, Sunshine looks very happy and eating very well, tail fin healed completely. Than you guys for your help! Thank you Eddie! Should I remove mirror now?
SUCCESS! since Sunday I was off; I released Sunshine(multicolor Angel fish) from the box early morning, sliding the box down the tank very slow and he just swim out. He hided on a rock until actinic lights went on. Dori (blue hippo) and first offender,was too busy fighting with herself on the mirror. Purple tang (Donatello) made sure Sunshine knows he's the king with a couple of chases, and flame angel (Poncho) had a couple of ugly confrontations until they picked right and left side boundaries. Yesterday the day was much better, Sunshine looks very happy and eating very well, tail fin healed completely. Than you guys for your help! Thank you Eddie! Should I remove mirror now?

Elvira- Happy it worked out!!!:dance:
Glad to hear it worked out. You can take the mirror off but make sure everything remains calm. If you notice increased aggression towards your multicolor just tape the mirror back up. But you should be fine.
I have four grandchildren and the minute I acquire a new fish, star, shrimp, we all get together and find a name for it. My naso fish name is Angelina, oh I love her!