Multicontroller 7094


New member
I am trying to run my 2 6055 pumps in interval mode on my 7094 multicontroller but the pump on channel 2 just spins for a second then stops.
Tested both pumps work fine

Anybody got any ideas ?


Is Channel 2 on during this time? If not it sounds like it is just doing the fishcare function of one turn every 20 seconds that the pump is designed to do when off.
Hi Roger
Thanks for your reply

The pump on channel 1 (in port 8 ) runs all the time, the pump on channel 2 (port 11) starts up for approx 1 second then stops.approx every 20 seconds
The red pump on light is on
The green interval light is on
The yellow lights are on over ports 8 and 10 but not prts 9 and 11
The mode switch is set to the top position
The interval switch is set to 1-7 mins


Then this is just the fishcare function and is normal, this will inverse when ports 9 and 11 light up. I believe on the 7094 the Interval was 1-75 minutes and you would adjust the corresponding knob to set the timing within that range.