MultiController 7095


New member
Hi Everyone,

Hi Everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has any experience with the Tunze MultiController?

We have ours up and running no problems to report so far; but I'm not sure that we are using the right program for our tank. We have a 95 Gallon tank, I have two powerheads, one on the back of the tank pointing to the right and one on the front pointing to the right (the aquascaping is in the middle of the tank to help with circulation), see picture below:


We are using the pulse option right now, which has the right hand pump varying it's power between 30 and 100 percent and the left hand pump varying between 40 and 80 percent. The pulse cycle is 1.5 seconds. At night, when the moonlights go on and the MH go out the right pump sticks to 30 percent and the left pump to 40 percent.

Just wondering if this is the best option for our size of tank.
I'm a bit concerned that there is just not enough flow.......

It looks like you are using the 6055's? These would be fine for soft corals and LPS in this size tank. Make sure that the transformers are switched to 24V so you are getting the maximum flow. There is nothing wrong with your settings but it may not be enough flow at night so you might change it so the night flow is higher. You might also try Interval 2 with a 6hr interval.
OK, I've changed the flow at night to 30% and 40% to see if that helps.
If not I will try Interval 2.

And ask my husband to check the 24V thing - that's a boys' job!!
