Multiple Dwarf Angels?

Black Mammoth

Premium Member
I've read that you aren't suppose to keep more than one in a tank. I know that some people have 2 in their tanks.

If you have more than 1 Dwarf Angel in your tank, how has it worked out for you? If you are happy with the results please list the number of Dwarf Angels, size of your tank, type of angels, and how long you've had them in your tank.

I've seen it done successfully without any problems. I wanted to see how many people are doing this successfully before trying something so crazy :) I've read that it's OK to do if they aren't the same kind (ie 2 Flame Angels). I've also read that you can't keep more than 1 at all. So since I can't get a definitive answer, I would like to get an idea of what people are doing out there in the real world :)

Please don't turn this in to some war :)
African Flameback, Nox, Coral Beauty, Scribbled

Scribbled, Trimac, Majestic

Plan on adding:
AFB, CB, Potter's, possibly a Regal

No problems at all past the first week of introduction of a new fish. Although, the Navarchus was getting hammered pretty bad for the first two or three days, which prompted the introduction of the Trimac to diffuse the aggression.
Thanks for the reply. Any others out there?

I'm thinking about doing a Flame Angel, Bellus Angel, and a BiColor Angel in a 75g. I've seen a Flame Angel and a Bellus Angel in a 90g without any problems. I'm not sure, but I'm thinking 3 might be too much for a 75g. I believe a 180g is twice as long as the 75g. I might back down to 2. Any thoughts?
Bicolors have exceedingly spotty reputations, both in terms of hardiness and in "reef safe" status. A 75 is a little small, but probably okay for two Centropyge as long as there's enough rock/escape routes. You might also want to do two distinct "islands" of rock. The Bellus might be a little beat upon by the Centropyge in a tank that small. I'd make the Bellus the first in.
I have a friend with a 180 and has multiple angles in his thank, some of the same species and large one at that, brakes all the rules, but no one bothers anyone, they all get along.
Anyone ever see the Angel FOWLR in UMA? Pablo Tepoots huge Angel/Tang system? There are a lot of myths that exist for reasons. This is one of them. It's not IMPOSSIBLE to maintain multiple anything, really, you just have to approach it from the right direction. There are tons of things SW fish keepers can learn from the FW end of the hobby. Where aggression is concerned, a lot of teh techniques used with African Cichlids will also work with many marines, particularly Damsels and Angels.
I have 2 coral beauties in a 120. They get along great. I introduced the smaller second and it got picked on for a few hours, but now they are together all the time. Maybe I got lucky with male/female or do they morph?
This is his tank.
I have a coral beauty and a bi-color angel in my 55 fish only. They were added at the same time and get along just fine.
On the ARLC, I'm sure there is some pecking, but you just don't see it, or its effects. Even so, with so many competitors, chasing and harrassing them would be non-productive, biologically speaking. It's interesting that the "reefs" of Malawi can be just as densely packed with fish as coral reefs, and the correlation in behaviors is not, IMO, coincidence.

Centropyge are hermaphrodites, starting as females and ending as males, the opposite of clowns. So, having a larger one and introducing a tiny one is probably the best way for the average aquarist to wind up with a true pair. With some species (like CBs and Flames, for instance) there is slight sexual dimorphism. The males, particularly larger ones, will start to show points, or more elongated points on the dorsal and/or anal fin.
I have three angels, african flameback, coral beauty and flame angel. Get along great, don't acknowledge each other. I have a 210gal.
I have a 240 gallon tank. It has 300 lbs of live rock, so plenty of hiding places. I also have a 120 gallon sump/fuge below with a good skimmer. For fish, I have a Blue Face Angel, Emperor Angel, Multicolor Angel, Achilles Tang, Blue Hippo Tang, Purple Tang, Chevron Tang, and Foxface. I also have a few smaller fish, 5 green chromis, 2 fairy wrasses, and 4 lyretail anthias. Everything gets along fine, and I've only had one casualty, who I will replace soon. I had to move my tank, from one house to the other, and in the move, I lost my Flame Angel, which was my favorite fish.

I think the key, when you are putting an amount of fish in the tank that is larger than recommended, is good flow in the main tank, having a good skimmer, and having plenty of hiding spaces in the tank. I plan on adding corals, once the tank establishes itself a little better, been back up for about 2 1/2 months now. I'm only going to stick to SPS. I've seen SPS tanks thrive with Angels, even though most people say it won't work. I'm willing to take the chance because that's how I want it.

If you want to try 3 pygmy angels in a 75, it could work, give it a shot. You will see aggression in the beginning, but if you are stocked with live rock for the fish to hide from the aggressor, they'll be fine after a few days. Then all you have to worry about is keeping the tank healthy, and that's where flow and skimmer come into play. If you have the ability to do all that, you should be fine, but I'm no expert, this is just my experience. In that size tank, I wouldn't put large angels or tangs, just pygmy's.
I have 3 Golden Angels and 1 Goldflake in my 210. The 3 Goldens have been in for about 2months, and the Goldflake was added 2 days ago. No problems so far.
Flame angel and a coral beauty in a 150 gallon reef. Introduced at the same time, been in there together for nearly two years. Zero problems.
