Mushroom Attatchment


New member
I picked up some mushrooms for my 5.5 the other day, (two reds, a green, and a superman) never kept any before. I'm having difficulty getting them to attatch, is there any tricks i could use other than turn off the flow and hope they stick; because they usually flutter away with all the flow off or on.
If their feet are already on something like rock or substrate you can glue/epoxy it.

If they aren't what I do is get a small plastic container with lid, cut holes for water flow, put in some sand and a bunch of small rocks (rubble) and leave it in there until it attaches to one of them....
^ exactly how I do it. I just use a shot glass filled with rubble and they attach in a couple days.
Good idea. I have a bunch of free floating mushrooms but everytime I place them in a container with rubble they float away. Never thought about putting a lid on the container.