Mushroom explosion... Any recommendations on what eats mushrooms?

Neptune 555

New member
Ok looks like if anyone has the answer to my question it is the group following this forum.

I have a mushroom explosion in my 48 gallon bow front saltwater tank. What can I do to get this under control?

any fish that eats mushrooms?
Any way to remove them?

Suggestions welcome!

This issue is that my tank is COVERED with mushrooms and I want to start adding new soft coral but I have no space.

Mushrooms come off fairly easy. Just take a razor blade to the base of the shroom and cut it off the rock. Heck you can even sell them after
OK I like that idea b/c I don't want to kill the mushroom. BUT I heard... that if I don't absolutely get every piece of the mushroom off the live rock it will come back and more??

So by using a razor blade at the base of the mushroom it removes the mushroom and does not kill it. Can I keep the mushrooms in a bucket of water and then donate them to others? I tried removing them before.. and they slimed up and I think that the slime is toxic?

I just got 83$ in store credit for pieces in my tank that grow literally like weeds. Pluck em and sell em. +1
if they are discomas, once they hit that explosion phase, they are tough to get rid of. YOu will have to get rid of the rock- I would sell it or trade it. What king of shrooms?
Any suggestions on what eats mushrooms? They are pretty mushrooms with green in them. They were my first and only coral purchase. Yes thinking I will trade my rock at lfs. How do you ensure the rock you get is ich free?

I wish my tanks would get a case of this problem :(....

Then I could retire and live off the tanks xD...