Mushroom ID (BIG), other questions.


New member
I have this super huge mushroom I would like to frag or "push" it to split. It's way too big. I bought a combo mushroom rock from Live Aquaria and this came with it. I broke all the shrooms off the rock to prevent competition....looks like that was a good idea. I'm not sure what the exact name of this mushroom is...can you help me out with that? There is a ricordea florida next to it for size comparison.......IT'S BIG.
Ok, thank you. I hope it splits sometime soon, the thing is ridiculously huge. I think if I measured from one side to the other it would be about 8 could easily eat a fish. Maybe I'll try feeding it a lot to see if that gets it "motivated". Hopefully this is OK to ask? If it does split, how much could I sell one for? I'll post a link in a minute to one for $75......which is insane IMO. Thanks again!
Forth one down on the right hand side........mine is better looking IMO. BTW I know this is not a "great site". I'm also not trying to make money, I just can't keep two of these and would prefer to get something in return.
That mushrooms natural food is mainly zooplankton. I have a green hairy rhodictis mushroom that split when I started feeding cycplopeeze to the tank on a regular basis.They will also eat meaty foods as well(mysis,silversides,etc...)

If you ever need to get rid of one PM me.