Mushroom issue


New member
Some of my mushrooms are showing these strange patches on them (upper section of the mushroom at the bottom of the picture and lower right section of the mushroom at the top), like they are losing all pigmentation in sections. Has anyone else seen this before? this is a well-established reef and the shrooms have been in there multiplying for 3+years with no changes to lights, salt, or any equipment. Any ideas?

It continues to get more and more brown on the edges. Any ideas anyone? I might lose some of my mushrooms if I don't figure it out.

Need more details on your tank. Without information on your parameters/setup...not much we can do but guess either.
Never mind, I figured it out. The light was somehow not on it’s timer settings so it’s been on continuously for who knows how long. It’s my tank at my work and I usually leave work before the lights turn off so I wouldn’t have noticed except a coworker went in this evening and noticed the lights still on. I don’t imagine my mushrooms enjoyed continuous light very much.