Mushroom or Yuma?


New member
I bought some live rock a few days ago a couple pieces had Yumas on them so they went in the tank the rest stayed in a bucket with a air stone. After staring at them for a few days today I put them in the tank and this had survived:

It is only just over a quarter inch but it is pretty spectacular, the picture doesn't do it justice.
Without a doubt Mushroom. That is a Discosoma sp. of mushroom. Yuma's are a type of Ricordea. There are 2 main types of Rics, Ricordea Florida (Caribean species) and Ricordea Yuma (Pacific Species). Ricordea roughly translates to 1,000 pearls. I see that yours has bumps on it too but Ricordea bumps are really pronounced.

Sorry if I went too deep.
