mushroom question


New member
Since all of you here know more than me on this. Can green striped mushroom corals kill sps if they are even close to them or do they have to actually be touching them to kill them. I know they kill them if they touch them. Have first hand experience with that. i just wanted to know if they kill them when they are like within a 2 of inches or so or the coral. Don't want to kill them but.......


Probably not, but they can expand to a much bigger size out of nowhere sometimes. I guess it would depend on the SPS too... Eventually they'll get closer, maybe nuke them once it becomes an issue.
thanks. I know they have done some damage to my monti caps when they were laying on them also my stylo got hit pretty bad also but they were touching them. Chemical warfare you know.
Definitely a good plan making sure they don't touch. You never know with SPS, and sometimes one little sting can take out the entire colony. Good to hear your montis and stylo pulled through though :)