Mushroom steal!

I agree, hes young, into the hobby and volunteering HIS time. No matter what, you got a nice mushroom, you like it and thats all that matters. Some people have access to cheap corals, I recently paid 15 for 3 lavender mushrooms but have seen red tongas for 15 a polyp it all depends on your location, and availability of corals. If there is only one store in 15-20 miles they can pretty much charge what they feel like.
heres a nice one. nuclear sunset. one is under led taken by a friend. the other is taken by me from a crappy g12.


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you didnt get jipped dude, you at the very least learned a lesson. theres alot of people willing to scam others because of lack of knowledge, age, etc. if youre still volunteering just bring it in and trade it lol no dont really do that, but its great youre into the hobby at such a young age and volunteering too! we need more kids like you in this hobby
jipped no. you got something cool for your tank. you worked for what you have and at your age thats awesome. too many kids have too much given to them and they dont know the value of a buck. maybe a better thing to do would be to take a pic of what your interested in buying and ask what it is if your unsure. the only stupid question is the one not asked. i remember being 13 and having my first tank, lots of work and lots of time involved. keep up the good work
I think its awesome you're volunteering! You're probably learning tons there and the experience is something you will use daily in this hobby. You'll know how to treat problems in your tank later on and probably be able to notice stuff earlier on. I'd probably think long and hard about buying from them though. They might try to get what they can out of you- so make purchases at other LFSs.. thats what I did when I was in your situation. The store owner took me more seriously when she knew that I was looking for the best deals and wasn't only buying her stuff. (You should have seen the look on her face when she told me I needed a powerhead to keep a coral I was trying to buy and I told her I had purchased one earlier that week *happened to be a local store's sale*. She started giving me better deals on stuff)

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is Good luck!! Enjoy your tank!
Props to you for having a hobby beside some sort of video game!! Stay with it, and keep Reefing!! It will get better as you accumulate things to look at in your tank.. There's nothing like a live reef tank.............
Thanks guys.

Yeah, I got into the hobby because my father bred cichlids, since then it's been fun with only a few heart-breaks with my 29.
Education usually comes at a price. You paid for a lesson. Just like college!

What you will learn volunteering there will save you big $$ down the road.

Good for you, thanks for the post!