Mushrooms are shriveled...


New member
I have these purple mushrooms, going on 6 months now or so! I love the color and they are a great coral!

About 2 months ago, i created a fuge/sump onto my system. Every since and with the coming of summer, i haven't been able to dial in the temp and i believe that this is the reason my mushrooms stay shriveled!?!

I have my heaters set to 78 degrees, but at the height of day, the tank creeps up around 81 degrees!

Is this the reason why my mushrooms are shriveled? Could it be the placement of the mushrooms? Are there other reasons why they could be? The other corals in my tank (xenia, gsp, and frogspawn are all going just fine)!

If you need more information, i will gladly give it!

lighting change, additives, flow, pH high or low. any could be or maybe the tank itself (sump) is cycling due to new/silicone. REEF-ON!!!
so any of the thing you listed nano4brains could be effecting them...but it seems that your also saying dont worry they will be i right? haha!
you want as small of a jump in temp with the lights on or off 0 if possible if your tank gets to 81 then set your heater to 81 but I wouldn't go over 82. you want the most stable enviroment as possible. hope this helps. and yes that big of a temp jump will shrivel the mushrooms up
well today i did pretty good and my temp stayed at 79 degrees...i would seem to think that the temp maybe rose from 78 degrees at the most but when i was looking at it, it was holding steady at 79!

if i have been fighting this temp swing for a week or long will it take for the mushrooms to expand fully again? also, if my tank continues to swing in temp throughout the summer...will they still be ok, just shriveled!?!

Thanks for the replys!
can placement affect them? right now i have them placed about 1/2 way up in my tank...i only have 2x65 watt pc's for a 26 gal but could that also be affecting them?
They would probably do better at the bottom of the tank. Mushrooms, depending on the species, need very little light. The only sure way to diagnose your problem would be with your water parameters.
I have purple mushrooms and also heve temp problems too. my tank hangs from 81 to 87 and the mushrooms are always spred out 2 or 3 inches each the heat dont seem to bother them but after the lights go out they shrivel to the size of a dime.

Just wanted to give my experience on mushrooms. Mine I had for 7 or 9 months before there started to take off. They have moved by them selves several times until they were happy. Once that happened, they have been growing and multiplying. Just give them a chance to Adapt and make home and then they will start to grow and multiply.

This hobby takes a lot of patience. Let the animals make a home and they will as expected as long as your water is right.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7565561#post7565561 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by roadrunner1659
so any of the thing you listed nano4brains could be effecting them...but it seems that your also saying dont worry they will be i right? haha!
I have temp flux and my shrooms don't shrivel. I think the rics like it lol as they seem to split more in summer.

I would try placing the shrooms on the bottom and see what happens. Some don't like alot of light.
