Yes, the name game seems silly, and the names used are also silly, but if you don't use a name for a particular polyp, how the hell are we supposed to describe them to each other and understand what we are talking about? It is nice to be able to simply say, "I like Tubbs Blues" and have somebody understand what polyps we are talking about. Same with "Eagle Eyes" or any of them. If you look them up, and they are commonly enough used, it is great for the hobby for communication. Try describing any of the hornets or the Armour of Gods and the description gets pretty lengthy and you probably put the other person to sleep before you are done.
Bottom line for the OP is take a look at the various polyps on the net (like suggested above) and choose what you like, but don't be afraid to call them by name! :lmao:
That being said, I also like the Tubbs Blues, and recently picked up some Keds Reds and they look very cool in my 12k lighting.