My 100g SPS Tank (at beginning) - desire many advices.


New member

(observe to unskillful English.)
You hello . :rollface:
I am Choi that is Korean.
I have 100g SPS Tank that is been during 6 months.

Simple information ...
Size : 32"X32"X24" Cube Tank
DSB : 5" over
Lighting : T5 39w x 12bulb - AB(ATI)6, B+(ATI)4, PA(ATI)1, SA(URI)1
Return Pump : Eheim 1260
Skimmer : Shuran 150(pump QuiteOne 3000)
Ca Reactor : Shuran Pico
Phosban Reactor
Salt Mix : Seacham's reef salt
Cooling : JBJ DBE-200 Chiller & Cooling fans
PH/Temp. Controllers

Parameter of water present
PH : 8.2 - 8.4
dKH : 8.5
Ca : 420
Mg : 1100
PO4 : zero
NO3 : zero

PH : 8.2 - 8.4 dKHs : 8.5 Cas : 420 Mgs : 1100 PO4s : Zero NO3 : Zero I only for SPS my tank improve want to .
I am ready to receive some warning for SPS's color.
I take much interest in ZEOvit System, and my T5s to satisfy growth and color does not seem to succeed.
For example,
1x250wSE(10000k ushio) + 4x24w T5s(B+/PA)...
I think color sense that growth is not slow heftily.
And, I have much interest very to ZEOvit System.
Power head Tunze 6060x2 may change by Nano Stream 6055x2+7095.
Some advice thanks.
That become gladly in many inputs.... :)
nice tank, i think we need more pictures of your equipment, and some of your corals, do you have any fish inthere???
Thanks~ inputs.:)

Have close-up pics(equipments,corals&fish). But, my corals are not good. :(
Is going to update my pictures continuously to this thread....
I'm doing salt water during 3 years.

ChinChek787//tanks.. but, Don't banter~~:D

reefinmike//bull's eye!!
fish in tank
- 1 Yellow Tang
- 1 Percula Clownfish
- 1 Purple Pseudochromis
- 7 Green Chromis
- 1 Bicolor Blenny
- 1 Scooter Blenny
- 1 Lawnmower Blenny
- 2 Sand Sifting Starfish
- 4 Turbo Snail
- 1 Cleaner Shrimp
- 2 Fire Shrimp
- 1 Peppermint Shrimp

Is fish in tank much? Although NO3 is not detected, ..

Beginning of my agony because corals are bad ...:confused:
There is question.
I have plan that change my equipments.
1) lighting : T5s 39w X 12b => 250wSE(10k) + 24w T5 x4(B+,B+,PA,PA)
2) skimmer : Shuran 150 => Tunze DOC 9020
3) Powerhead : Tunze 6060x2 => Tunze Nanostream 6055x2 + 7095
How do you think?
My environment is restriction.

It must be inside prop of tank all equipments.(that except Chiller)
Secondarily, Korean electric charges are expensive.
Pay electric charges more than $200 every month for present tank.
Desire to recommend equipments that size is small to me and efficiency is high.
Perhaps, HQI may not use 400w.(Main cause of electric charges is lighting)

Being in the office now, if return into the home picture update!
Thank at many advices :)
i would recommend getting MG up to 1300 do you like the seachem salt? What are your params on newly mixed seachem salt and at what salinity?

your tank is gorgeous..i cant wait to get one like it....i want a cube badly...just more room from front to back for more depth....

T5's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SMACK...I LIKE T5'S AND USE THEM..BUT...many people say they dont experience colors like you ( i cant tell with my t5's yet...only had my first corals added for about 6 weeks on the current tank)..

many turn to ZEOVIT who use t5's and believe it is because they are mimicing IWAN'S TANK....i wish i could tell you more about zeovit but i cant...someone else should help you out....dont go away i am sure somone will chime in on zeovit

get some controllable tunzes to get more intermittent/chaotic flow if you desire to change your flow you currently have..if i am not mistaken the 6060 is full blast all day

AS FOR T5'S...i think you are likely experiencing lighting and MY PERSONAL theory is that it is the AQUABLUES DOING IT and you do have half of your lights as AQUABLUES so my theory is being demonstrated...i say try this combo for about a year before switching to 250 MH's...>>>

7 ATI Blue Plus, 3 ATI Aquablue, 2 ATI sun pro or 2 equivalent 6000-7500K bulbs(ATI , Dand D or whatever you can get your hands on)

i really think dropping the aquablues in favor of blue plus's and an extra midday bulb will really help your you feed anything like DT's oyster your tank is nutrient poor as is I wont hurt!!!
Thank sincerely to Serioussnaps.

Thank sincerely to Serioussnaps.

Because my English is not skilful, ...:(
Can not know your opinion exactly.
However, some measure can know.:)
( sorry, ask easy word and perfect composition. )
You are right. Serioussnaps.
My idol tank is IWAN's tank.
Listen your advice sincerely.;)
-->[7 ATI Blue Plus, 3 ATI Aquablue, 2 ATI sun pro or 2 equivalent 6000-7500K bulbs]
Do you have to advise other some thing?
I know that it is profitable to me that listen to several person's opinions.
I had guessed for reason of lighting about that color of my coral grows worse as I am different from parameter of water now.
My T5s had during 1 month whether begin operation.
Had worried because color and growth of all 1 month interval
corals grow worse.
I can not use lighting that consume much military strengths.
Desire your help.
What information is insufficient?
I want to consult with you.
Any advice is joyful.:)
very nice, what part of Korea are you in? I'll be going to Seoul in March for 2 months. I work for Samsung and I have to go there for training.
supplement the light with a 250 20k, and dont forget to feed.

Cyclopeese is good, frozen is best... a small cube every few days...

A fuge/sump with some seaweed, chaeto caulerpa is good.
Your english is fine...i can understand exactly what you are are probably having a harder time understanding what i am saying.....DONT SPEAK LIKE english is atrocious...


MY ADVICE IS THIS---dont model exactly after Iwan because your tank and everyone elses tank is its own animal....ALL TANKS HAVE DIFFERENT NEEDS AND YOURS INCLUDED

I BELIIEVE that the aquablue is a very white light....i have been reading many threads on T5's about "lightening" in their Acros....i believe the aquablue 12K lights are a VERY WHITE hue(color) and it is my belief that the COLORS WE SEE is alot of PERCEPTION brought on by the LIGHTS WE USE...also I think that corals PIGMENTS TAKE ON THE LIGHTING TEMPERATURE/COLOR THEY ARE UNDER so it is my belief that if you add more ATI BLUE PLUS(A MORE BLUE COLOR) and and extra SUN BULB(6000k TO 8000k BULB) that you will see better colors within 4-6 months....

this i think you should give a try

I also recommend FEEDING your corals...CAN YOU GET YOUR HANDS ON SOME DT'S OYSTER EGGS? if you can feed them a couple times a week with the skimmer off for a few hours

DON'T TRY ZEOVIT UNTIL YOU EXHAUST EVERY OTHER AVENUE OF IMPROVING YOUR CORALS..i think zeovit should be your last is very expensive system to run and until you try many other methods i would hold off on it...I AM SORRY I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ZEOVIT

GET THAT MAGNESIUM UP TO 1300(THIS DOESNT EXPLAIN YOUR COLORS BUT IT IS SOMEHTING THAT JUST NEEDS TO BE DONE) you have any pics or can you take some of closer up pics of your corals to see exactly what you are talking about in color

ANOTHER THOUGHT-----what is the distance between the surface of the water to your lights? and what photoperiods are you running on your lights?

these two aspects are VERY IMPORTANT? i think i can get to the root of your color if you will work with me
I used oyster eggs once... $40 for a small tin...IMO cyclopeeze works just as good... 16 bucks for a big brick.

Better value.
Acropora in most cases DO NOT take cyclopeeze...i feed cyclopeeze because my fish love it and the SLIM chance an acro takes it...PODS AND MYSIDS LOVE IT TOO THOUGH...however i know Acros consume DT'S OYSTER EGGS..and yes if you cant get it locally i wouldnt order it ...its like a 15 dollar charge to keep it cool on top of the other shipping which brings it up to about 40bucks but i buy it locally for 12-17 bucks

i feed both....BUT
