Congrats man, I got two of those frags :spin1: of them is almost 4 and the other is almost 2...both are little brats and take up so much of my time! :lmao:
Light the cigars! Suddenly, cleaning the skimmer cup's not so bad afterall
Congrats on the little one!
Your rockwork and peninsula tank are inspirational!
Awesome progression of the tank. Love it! Masterful aquascape
Dude its looking so much better! I see what you are saying about the color, I noticed it in the confusa the most. Hows the new born?
Not much I can add but your tank must be such a joy to watch each day. Your aquascape is amazing and the photography skills are excellent. Can't wait to see more from you and your tank. I've not had much success just yet but am determined and taking it slow. It's great for me to live vicariously through you and this is very inspiring.
Is that a custom made tank by Miracle or just a mass production tank?
Can you show a picture of the overflow?
absolute AWESOMENESS!!!
I'm hooked
very nice tank!
awesome photos
Loving the effect the T5s have had on your coral color.. Have you noticed the growth formations changing under T5s as well?
Your FTS progression photos are really cool. Love the way you did those.
Really like the full cabinet shot too. The cabinet is gorgeous. Just really shows off your whole tank.
Your attention to detail in your whole tank presentation is amazing really. :artist: