Hello all thanks in advance for your advice and suggestions I can only hope I'm doinG some things correctly.
Details on my tank are as follows,
120 gallon tank All-glass Aquarium with stand and canopy
Pro Clear Aquatics sump rated up to 300 gallons
Coralife super skimmer 125 skimmer is using a rio 1100 original pump failed
Rio 3100 return pump
2x hydro koralia 1150gph
Lighting is 2x 150 watt Chinese made LED
About 4 half bucket fulls of live sand was in a tank for about 3 years
Too many lbs of live rock also was from an established tank
6 fishes, black clownfish, sunburst antsiest, bullet goby (a.k.a. Godzilla) orange shoulder tang, purple dotty back, coral beauty.
Bunch of different zoos, 3 frogspawn, 1 large torch, 1 hammer, green polyps, hairy mushrooms, green star polyps, cinnomon polyps, 2 toadstools, random mushrooms, 1 Acan, 1 chalice, yumas, rainbow bubbletip anemone,
And probably a couple of more im forgetting.
So far the tank has been up for about 6 months
I have been doing the normal things as far as caring for it
My issues.
I don't feel like the growth has been there my Acan, chalice, yumas, and random zoos and polyps are growing fairly well others are not moving at all.
I recently loss a bubble coral and my torch lost one of its heads and Is not extending like it used to ( used to look like a grapefruit when opened, now nothing maybe a small lime .
What can I be doing wrong or what am I doing right that just needs to be changed.
I am open to any and all suggestions. Thank you all
I'll be posting some pictures tomorrow night as my camera is at the office. So these iPhone pics are just for now.

Details on my tank are as follows,
120 gallon tank All-glass Aquarium with stand and canopy
Pro Clear Aquatics sump rated up to 300 gallons
Coralife super skimmer 125 skimmer is using a rio 1100 original pump failed
Rio 3100 return pump
2x hydro koralia 1150gph
Lighting is 2x 150 watt Chinese made LED
About 4 half bucket fulls of live sand was in a tank for about 3 years
Too many lbs of live rock also was from an established tank
6 fishes, black clownfish, sunburst antsiest, bullet goby (a.k.a. Godzilla) orange shoulder tang, purple dotty back, coral beauty.
Bunch of different zoos, 3 frogspawn, 1 large torch, 1 hammer, green polyps, hairy mushrooms, green star polyps, cinnomon polyps, 2 toadstools, random mushrooms, 1 Acan, 1 chalice, yumas, rainbow bubbletip anemone,
And probably a couple of more im forgetting.
So far the tank has been up for about 6 months
I have been doing the normal things as far as caring for it
My issues.
I don't feel like the growth has been there my Acan, chalice, yumas, and random zoos and polyps are growing fairly well others are not moving at all.
I recently loss a bubble coral and my torch lost one of its heads and Is not extending like it used to ( used to look like a grapefruit when opened, now nothing maybe a small lime .
What can I be doing wrong or what am I doing right that just needs to be changed.
I am open to any and all suggestions. Thank you all
I'll be posting some pictures tomorrow night as my camera is at the office. So these iPhone pics are just for now.