my 125g pics and all!


In Memoriam
tank: 125 gallon wide (72"L x24"w x18"h)
lighting:2x250w metal halide, hamilton 14k/2x65w pc actinics
refug: 55 gallon barebottom for debris removal, cheato
skimmer: corallife 220 needle wheel skimmer
stand: painted cinder blocks;)


5" yellow tang
2" purple pseudochromis
1.25" yellowtail damsel
1.25" honey chromis
1.6" scooter blenny
1.5" seaba clown


flame scallop somewhere?
4" croceca clam
3 emerald crabs
2 camel back shrimp
1 coral banded shrimp
6 lg mexican turbos
1 trochus snail
100ish small hermits( zebras and bluelegs)


green star polyps
marbled mushrooms
green mushrooms
hairy mushrooms
kenya tree
favia brain
plate coral
green open brain
red meat coral
3x wesslissi(no clue how to spell) brains
encrusting montipora
green trumpets
scrolling bubble
pumping xenia
green zoos
purple w/ pink center zoos
green kenya tree
green pincushion toadstool
hydronophora( no clue how to spell, green branching lps)
un ided plating sps
plating lps no id
green acro frag
button polyps

this tank has been setup for appx 7ish months. i recently did a massive water change/removal of old anerobic sand/rock cleaning and got a new skimmer and put my refug under my tank.









and lastly, i know the frogspawn shold be in the rocks. i have just found a spot for him and im going to put him up there tonight after i frag off those baby frogspawns!

tell me what you think!
Nice looking tank, lots of stuff added pretty quick, let me know how it develops. Can you elaborate on how and when you set it up, and the times you added all of the critters and so on? I would love to hear. A lot of times too much too soon can create problems down the road, or even sooner maybe, but others seem to have good luck that way. My brother says lots of people in his area are using tap water for reef tanks. I use RO, what about you? We will keep tabs on all who are not using RO to see how they do. Many in the know seem to think it is a big no-no. Good luck
One other question. Has your psuedo ever messed with your shrimp. I lost a peppermint shrimp that had been in my tank for about a year a day after I added that dude. Kind of nervous to add a cleaner just in case he becomes an expensive snack!
thanks all

i have had the tank about 7 months and here is how the livestock additions go

month 1- liverock, turbos, purple pseudo, and yellowtail damsel some hardy corals like gsp and shrooms
month 2-just a few corals
month 3 a few brain corals, most lps in by this time
month 4 50 hermits, emerald crabs, honey chromis, scooter blenny and tang
month 5 most lps corals in by now
month 6 pretty much nothing except the clam and seaba clown
month 7 some frags, thats it

brad black- i havent added fast. you may have been thinking i added everything since i did the major cleaning on it but it was setup for a long time before that. i am using ro water

i have had the gonipora for about a month now, not long at all. it is doing great though. these pics were taken 15 minutes after the lights kicked on so the goni wasnt fully extended.

i have never had any problems with my pseudo.

not too bad of a setup for a 16 year old