my 210 gal


New member
I just bought a 210 gallon set up from a friend. I currently have a 55 gallon set up but want to get more fish but cant house them in the 55. My plan is to use dry sand and with a little of the live sand from my 55 to get the tank started. Probably stick a couple pieces of live rock in there as well. Just not sure how long you need to leave it running to go through the cycle before I can transfer the coral and fish from the 55 gal to the 210 gal.
If u can leave it set up for a few weeks that would be optimal, most people transfer everything at once which elevates the risk of loses... If u can go slow you can help mitigate that. gL and let's see some pictures
next question I got is what is the ideal water flow for a 210. Its a drilled tank and its got one pump running both over flows and it doesnt seem like its im woundering what size pumps would be ideal for this size tank? The biggest pump I can find is 1350 gph would two of those be enough, or do they make bigger?
Usually people aim for approx 10 x tank volume per hour or more, but only 40-50% of this is from the return pump. The rest is done in-tank with either a closed-loop (requires drilling the tank) or power heads.

Altogether, yes, but not all from the return pump. That would be too much water movement in the sump.

The drains will only let a certain amount of water down so if u have a ball or gate valve u can bring the flow down in order to not flood. This will impact the pump negatively o er time though so most people use the extra flow for reactors, refugiums, or u can even plumb the water right back down (T it then 90degree right back down into ur return section with a ball valve on the return line to restrict flow going to the DT). If u do not do anything and just put a ball valve on the line it's not the worst thing but if u can use the flow u would save some electric, sump space, and if in sump save some heat from entering the tank.
ok I just want to make sure I dont have to little water flow through refugium. I got a 40 gal refugium. got it home and set in place now im filling it with water witch is a slow process my RO/DI only does 50gal a day.
Heres a picture of my 210 so the sand and water.


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Got the dry sand and dry rock in the tank with a few pieces of live rock from my existing tank. trying to figure out how to encourage the cycling process since I dont have alot of live rock without coral attached to it. Any suggestion?


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Buy a few shrimp from the grocery store and throw them in. If u could use a mesh bag it would make removing them easier once the cycle is complete. I used 2 mediums in my 72BF
You can buy a bottle of bacteria at your LFS. It's tank kick starter that will help speed things up , but costs $ and I can't remember what they are exactly called.
I think the cycle might have started. When it goes through the differant stages how high of ammonia and nitrites should you get? Will they get really high or does it stay pretty low around 0.25?
Ammonia is pretty much gone now i have tiny flat worms that showed up not sure how they got in there, there not in my 55 gal tank. So I picked up a small 6line wrasse to hopefully take care of them and to be my first test fish in the tank.
herese some pics


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more pics


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Nice what kind of fish are you looking at putting in there? I didnt see any in the FTS is anything in there other than your six line? Noticed lots of softies any other plans for corals?